Fresh Milled Flour Sourdough Discard Blueberrie...
CRUMBLE: combine the following: 4 TABLESPOONS melted BUTTER, 3/4 CUP BROWN SUGAR, 4 TABLESPOONS fresh milled FLOUR (Soft White.) Set aside WET INGREDIENTS: combine the following: 1/2 cup SOURDOUGH DISCARD...
Fresh Milled Flour Sourdough Discard Blueberrie...
CRUMBLE: combine the following: 4 TABLESPOONS melted BUTTER, 3/4 CUP BROWN SUGAR, 4 TABLESPOONS fresh milled FLOUR (Soft White.) Set aside WET INGREDIENTS: combine the following: 1/2 cup SOURDOUGH DISCARD...

Fresh Milled Grain Banana Muffins/Bread
These banana muffins are a favorite in our house. Our favorite way to eat them is warm with butter. The flavor of the bananas combined with the texture from the...
Fresh Milled Grain Banana Muffins/Bread
These banana muffins are a favorite in our house. Our favorite way to eat them is warm with butter. The flavor of the bananas combined with the texture from the...

Homemade Butter Pecan Candy
I’m going to let y’all in on a secret. The best tasting secret around. I don’t even know what to call them because their decadence reaches levels where words no...
Homemade Butter Pecan Candy
I’m going to let y’all in on a secret. The best tasting secret around. I don’t even know what to call them because their decadence reaches levels where words no...

Best Brownies You Will Ever Eat
I've been eating Ghirardelli boxed brownies my whole life and honestly thought nothing could be better. However, I wanted to use our whole grains and wanted to experiment. The result...
Best Brownies You Will Ever Eat
I've been eating Ghirardelli boxed brownies my whole life and honestly thought nothing could be better. However, I wanted to use our whole grains and wanted to experiment. The result...

Homemade pie crust using fresh milled grain - P...
Chocolate pumpkin pie with fresh milled grain recipe.
Homemade pie crust using fresh milled grain - P...
Chocolate pumpkin pie with fresh milled grain recipe.